
Here's The Bad Impact Of Social Media For Health  

Here's The Bad Impact Of Social Media For Health - In the present era, almost everyone has social media. Social media and the human being into two almost difficult to separate. From the start of daily activities, feelings, until the little things in life uploaded to social media. We no longer need to visit each other in real life to know the news. All just one touch on a range of smartphones only. However, did you know that social media can damage the physical or mental health? How can our health be damaged by something that makes us always ' connected '? Following the exposure on the impact of social media is bad for our health.

Here's The Bad Impact Of Social Media For Health

Social Media Impacts On Physical Health

1. Affect the Posture

A wide array of medical and scientific research has shown that people using smartphones more than four hours a day tend to have shoulder and backbone of the hunchback, a problem in the spine, and the feel of the neck pain and head more often of those who do not use the smartphone as often as this. This result is quite astounding, but it makes sense. While using a smartphone typically we more often looked down and be a slouch. Our posture changes, muscles, and bones in our body keeps changing.

2. It is difficult to sleep

One of the problems often encountered the millennial generation that is sleeplessness. Sleep is the most important factor in maintaining our health as a whole. In order to be a healthy and good quality of our sleep, our body needs to produce the hormone melatonin naturally. When we keep staring at the screen of a smartphone before bed, our bodies like he was looking at a landscape with a very bright light, so delaying production of the hormone melatonin and we will be hard to sleep or get sleep quality. As a result, we will easily feel the fatigue due to sleep deprivation.

3. Disrupt the eye health

Keep looking at the screen that emits radiation, of course, isn't very good for the health of the eyes. Smartphone emits a blue light (blue light), a very glare for our eyes. Staring at the screen of a smartphone before bed is extremely dangerous and may damage the retina of the eye. Blue light exposure on the retina can cause macular degeneration, such as deteriorating eyesight.
A number of eye doctors also stated that there is a relationship between the use of smartphones by cataracts. Patients who are younger still undergoing cataract growing each day compared to patients aged 75 years and over.

4. Problems with the fingers and Wrist

If you post any of your activities in social media or reply to each comment, you may be experiencing a problem with Your wrist and fingers. Often typing on smartphones will make the veins in your fingers become tense.

The Impact Of Social Media On Mental Health

1. Hooked on Social Media

Social media is like opium. Cannot be denied, a lot of people who are like ' bound ' with social media and could not be separated from him. A little bit is always checking his smartphone to see the latest notifications, or just simply have a look at the latest update-an of friends in the virtual world.

Moreover, nowadays almost everyone carries a smartphone to nowhere, so the more difficult it is to escape from the internet. Also, more and more people spend time online on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, and more. For those who are very addicted to social media, of course, it will interfere with his personal life as in his work, physical activity, even relationships. These people tend to overlook his offline life and prefer to play online.

2. The negative emotional impact

Much of the reason behind people using social media. There is nothing to socialize, keeping in touch with friends and relatives, seek and share information, shopping, or just simply entertainment and diversion of tired of his life.

Social media may be beneficial for those who have the limitations of the in terms of mobility. By using social media, they are still able to connect and communicate with others. The Grandma and Grandpa can chat with her grandchildren, her husband who was working was placed outside the city even foreign countries can stay in touch with his wife and children. Friends of different countries can chat online. Although still interact with social media will not be able to replace the social interaction directly.

However, social media can also lead to stress and other negative emotions. Examples are crowded at this time i.e. the issue of cyber-bullying. Even people who don't know each other any time by simply posting a bully each other. This, of course, gives the emotional impact is not good. There are also people who enjoy fishing or argue that emotions are unhealthy about many things ranging from sports to politics. Debates like this can certainly invite stress.

3. Depression

The more we use social media, the more we are unhappy. One reason for that is because we often unconsciously compare ourselves with others. We compare our lives with other people's lives when we scroll feeds. In a study to see how we compare ourselves with others, either with the ' look up ' or ' looking down '. It turns out that these two types of comparison it equally makes people feel worse, and this is surprising because, in real life, only a comparison of the ' look up ' that makes us worse. It seems like any kind of comparison of anything in the world of social media leads to the depressive symptoms was observed.

It's no secret that activity comparing ourselves in this social media can lead to social jealousy. Confess looking at people holiday abroad, has a family that looks perfect, work in a prestigious venue, and so on can cause a sense of envy. And this is like a vicious circle, with envy, people want to make their lives look more pleasant, with the goal of making other people jealous, too. Be the envy of endless circles.

4. Excess Appetite

Currently, people easily upload everything in social media, including what they eat. For example on Instagram, photos with #foodporn or hashtag #instafood lot of milling about. As reported by the women's Health, photos of this food can activate the brain that makes us want the food and eventually force us to eat to excess. A research even revealed that just by looking at pictures of food alone can stimulate hunger.

What should we do?
To stay healthy using social media, here are a few tips that can be done.

1. Use social media while leisure only. Not to interfere with private life, work, or study.
2. Expand social and physical activity in the real world.
3. Do not waste the time to argue with other people in social media.
4. If other people's postings to social media make you depressed, the deactivation of your account, unfollow people that her postings make you jealous, and remember that social media is not a representation of real life.
5 Money Saving Habits That Must Be Adopted Every Family

5 Money Saving Habits That Must Be Adopted Every Family

Having a family is one of the most satisfying achievements for some people; This is a new chapter of life. Whether you have one or more children, you may find out that was awarded as a parent, sometimes could be difficult.

The deposit money for the holidays, a new home, or even a car can be a challenge when you are no longer just think of yourself. That's where some of the money-saving suggestions can help you achieve your financial goals, so you can enjoy your family vacation or buy your kids a new bed.

Here are five money-saving habits that must be adopted by each family.

1. Reduce Buy Junk Food and Processed Food

People usually have the assumption that to reduce the cost of your meal, you need to buy less food. However, this does not resolve the problem. Rather than reducing everything, just learn to say no.

Compared to buying a piece of cake and a bottle of soda, still, cling to fruit and vegetables. With stop buying processed foods that have no nutrients, you will see how your bills decrease.

Reduce, or eliminate fast food at all and choose the dishes at home. Just imagine a weekly food expenditure that each cost about 200-300 thousand if purchased outside, could add up to about 1 million at the end of the month.

2. Reduce Spending on Clothing and Shoes

If you have children who are growing, then you know how hard it is when you try to buy clothes that fit them while they grow too fast.

One of the best ways to get all they need to do is make a list of your children's clothing. Make a note of all the clothes they need for school, play, and sleep.

By making the list, you'll avoid continuous shopping from week to week and spend copious amounts of clothes that may never have worn your child.

3. Reduce Buying Toys and Instead Make Memories

Next time if you're taking a walk with your kids and they're whining ask bought toys, say no. Rather than collecting items is useless where they get bored after a few days, plan a family game or experience, which is free, or at least the price is much lower than the latest video games.

Bring your kids to the park for a picnic or a game of football, than indulge them with toys or the latest gadget they see in TV commercials.

4. Use the Back (Re-use) Items

One way to let your kids learn the value of money is to understand that culture trash is not good for your wallet or your environment. So, compared to buying new clothes, save some clothes that are still good for your next child is applied.

This will save you money in the long run and the same rules apply to the game. Use the returned toys-toys with how to lose on your next child, rather than hoard toys and keep buying new ones.

When it comes to household goods, you will be surprised at how much you can save by using the lap can be reused, instead of buying kitchen paper every week.

If you think about to redecorate or want to add some items to your home, then as an alternative to buying more furniture, look for antique stores. You can find treasures at bargain prices.

5. Teach Your Child to Save Electricity

Show it to your kids the importance of turning off the switch and the other tools that do not use them, and they shouldn't leave electronic goods in circumstances connected to electricity.

After your entire family into an intelligent energy, you not only will teach valuable life lessons to your children, but you will also see the electricity bill, water, and gas you decline.
Banana fruit for pregnancy - Consume fruits very compulsory for pregnant women, this is because it can nourish the mother and baby. Bananas are also good for pregnant women consumed because it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of banana for health and pregnancy
A study showed that dietary fiber contained in bananas may prevent ulcer disease. In addition, the banana also contains vitamins and minerals that can make you feel happy.

If you consume a banana on a regular basis can prevent high blood disease, since bananas contain potassium high (useful for lowering blood pressure).

Acid neutral natural banana fruit useful to overcome my heartburn you. You simply consume a banana then taste your heartburn will be reduced. In addition, the banana also contains iron in the body that are useful to overcome anemia in women.

Bananas contain vitamin B6 which is useful to cope with morning sickness for pregnant women. This vitamin is useful helping balance the substance and creating energy quickly for the body. Vitamin B6 found in bananas are also very useful for fetal brain development.

In addition to vitamin B6, banana fruit also contains vitamin A which is useful for preventing cancer cells, obesity and diabetes in pregnant women.

The studies showed that the symptoms of morning sickness you can reduce by consuming more vitamin B6 found in bananas.

Consuming bananas for women during pregnancy is very important. Because it can improve health for mothers and be helping the development of the fetal nervous system you.

Benefits of banana fruits for pregnant women

Banana fruit benefits for pregnancy you should know

1. Rich in folic acid

Banana is very important for pregnant women because banana is useful to prevent a deficiency of folic acid that can cause a baby born prematurely. In addition, prevents the risk of babies born deformed.

2. Contains vitamin B6

Bananas contain vitamin B6 can help boost the development of the central nervous system cells in the fetus. Vitamin B6 can also reduce morning sickness if consumption in the right amount. The daily amount required for expectant mothers to meet the vitamin B6 is 1.9 milligrams. One medium-size banana can contain 4 milligrams.

3. increase growth of hemoglobin

Other benefits of banana fruits for pregnant women, have a role in the growth of hemoglobin or red blood cells. In addition to iron, the banana also contains vitamin B6 which is useful for neurotransmitters that are able to raise the growth of hemoglobin in the body.

4. Overcoming anaemia

Anemia is a common thing that is often found in pregnant women. Iron deficiency can cause pregnant women experiencing anemia and cause complications during the final stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

5. Beneficial for digestion

Pregnant women often experience a sense of heartburn and indigestion on digestion during pregnancy. This causes pressure on the growth of the fetus. Banana fruit that contains antacid, can help suppress the secretion of acid. Bananas are also rich in pectin so it can facilitate digestion in the intestine.

6. Reduce nausea and vomiting

Usually pregnant when mornings often feel nausea and vomiting. It is seen during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Consuming bananas in early pregnancy could help and alleviate morning sickness.

7. Rich in potassium

During pregnancy is usually pregnant mothers often have to swell caused by a lack of potassium. The American Pregnancy Association found this. Sufficient potassium during pregnancy can help reduce swelling during pregnancy.

8. Rich Protein

Banana fruits for pregnant women is a fruit that is rich in protein. Protein plays an important role as a source of calories and also to the formation of antibodies to the fetus and the mother.

9. Keep your blood sugar and cholesterol

Banana is very important to maintain the level of cholesterol and blood sugar during pregnancy. Especially for mothers who experience diabetes during pregnancy. In addition, fruit banana can also reduce blood shortage during pregnancy.

Banana fruits for pregnant women

Although bananas good for pregnant women, not everyone can consume fruits bananas, because there are some people who are allergic to bananas. Of course, to find out if you are allergic or not, you can consult in advance with the doctor.

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Benefits of Pineapple – pineapple fruit in addition to having good taste is also good for the health of your body. Pineapple fruit contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and Vitamin c. Fruits pineapple is also the fruit of low cholesterol and low in calories, making it excellent for consumption every day. The fiber contained in pineapple fruit can also serve to rejuvenate the cells in the body and is also good for the growth of your bones. 

Consuming pineapple fruit every day is very good for your body, the following benefits from consuming pineapple fruit.

10 benefits of pineapple fruit for health: 

10 benefits of pineapple fruit for your health

1. increase the body's Immune

The immune system in the body is very important to prevent diseases come into your body. Consuming pineapple fruit every day is useful for increasing your body's immune, so you are not susceptible to illnesses such as coughs, colds, bronchitis. In addition to enhancing the immune content of bromelain, that of the fruit of the pineapple is also an anti-cancer substance.

2. Contain a lot of vitamin C

Vitamin C is very high on pineapple fruit can also be against the presence of free radicals will attack your body. In addition, it is also beneficial to the buildup of plaque on the other atherosclerosis that can cause heart disease.

3. Rich in fiber

The fiber content in the fruit of the pineapple is very beneficial for healthy as well as optimize work of intestines. In addition, it is also good for treating intestinal worms as well as eliminate the buildup of toxins in the kidneys and liver.

4. Eliminate pain

You can consume the pineapple juice every day for health. Many bodybuilders that consume pineapple juice every day. This is because the pineapple has bromelain which content can overcome pain in muscles and joints as well. In addition, the content of bromelain may also reduce the occurrence of blood clotting.

5. Digestive Health

If you are a frequent pain constipation or nausea, you can cure it with a consuming pineapple juice. Enim in pineapple fruit has a role in improving bowel function. Vitamin C will also help your body become more resistant to the disease because of the pineapple fruit juice, which will act as a natural deterrent.

6. Relieve the occurrence of inflammation

Content existing on fruit bromelain pineapple useful as substance anti-inflammatory, anti-blood clotting and also anti-cancer. Some researchers already describe the results when consuming pineapple fruit with regularly will help fight the arthritis also digestive problems.

7. Dental Health

Vitamin C found in pineapple fruit useful for lowering the risk of inflammation of the gums and prevent other diseases associated with dental gums.

8. Prevent cataract disease

Vitamin C is present in pineapple fruit has an important role in addressing the health of the eyes. Vitamin C is helpful in reducing the risk of the occurrence of cataracts.

9. Prevent asthma

Pineapple fruit is also a fruit containing beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which plays an active role at the time of the digestive process in the body. Of the few studies that have been done, indicates that the substance beta-carotene content is useful to reduce the risk of developing asthma.

10. Healthy Heart

Some causes of someone had a heart attack can be caused due to blood clotting so that blood circulation to the heart and cause problematic heart unhealthy. Consuming pineapple fruit regularly can improve the blood circulation in the body thus reducing disease heart attack and useful to nourish your heart.

That's the last 10 benefits of pineapple fruit for your body's health, may be useful and please share if this information is considered important and thank you have visited to our blog.

Are you an entrepreneur or office worker, you probably spent less than 8 hours a day at work. If you add the travel time from home to work and vice versa, may be 10 hours a day.

Say you need to sleep eight hours every night, that means from the time available, you spend about 63% of your time at work, or in other words, most of your life to work.

If you will spend the most time on something, you should ensure that you enjoy what you are doing. You only have one chance to live.

Here are some key signs that show you love or enjoy what you do at work:

10 Signs You Enjoying Work

Time passes and you do not realize.

You do something like flow and you do not realize it. Time really passes, you forget about your worries and other tasks This happens when you do something really fun (such as playing music that you like) or together with someone you care about.

This also applies equally to the work that you really like. Time was fleeting and when you knew it, it was dark.

And the important point is that you do it all with a sense of joy.

You feel like you are doing something worthwhile. You feel satisfied.

Humans are happy when they connect with others, and also when they leave or create something of value. Not necessarily in the sense of being a doctor who can cure cancer (of course it would be a wonderful thing!); it could be as simple as being a motorcycle taxi driver or whatever other people want or need. Whatever the job, you feel very grateful for being able to help and serve others. You already gave an idea, talent or best of your ability.

This is something that defines how someone who is happy with his life, and how you too can be happy every day.

You are excited to wake up in the morning.

If you do not rejoice when you wake up in the morning, something wrong may happen. Of course, everyone has had bad days in his life. But if you are constantly afraid to go to work, it might be time for a change.

Whatever work you do, it should be able to make you excited to get up in the morning and move quickly.

Subordinates and superiors is seen as a partner to provide and produce something.

When you see your colleagues rather than as people who simply do you ask, then you are in the right place. You should see them as a partner where you and they can make something great. Maybe you're not a boss with a high rank, but you believe in what you do, and you like that you have to fight together with them realize what you have you want to become a reality.

You do not complain

Many people complain about their jobs:
"It's too early to do."
"It's too much."
"I do not like people who work with me."
"I hate what I do."

If you are constantly complaining, you need to change your mindset (begin to appreciate what you have) or you immediately look for another job where you are more able to enjoy.

A job you enjoy though, you'll never complain about the workload or an irritating task. But overall you know that it was just a small hurdle compared to the happiness that comes from doing what you love.

You do not mind if you have to struggle

Work can be a struggle. Authors suppose to spend hours and hours to edit and have to work every day. The artist can produce paintings and instantly throw it into the trash. Engineers create a design that is wrong and must be re-calculated the numbers.

But when you enjoy the work, you do not care, because you like struggle. You with joy bounce back and reworking to get what you want. The final aim is to produce something amazing to appreciate it.

You feel energized when you talk about what you are doing.

When people ask, "What are you doing?", You excitedly tell me what you're doing. It is a sign that you love what you do and you want others to know.

You feel that your work reflects who you are

Work is not a job when it is no longer a means to an end. The perfect job is reflecting something in you, and make you able to produce stunning output quality. You express yourself and feel amazing with the results of your work.

You find yourself interested in the additional things that actually are not assigned to you.

When you really enjoy your work, you certainly want to learn about your company or things that you may not directly responsible for it, but in general they relate to your job. Even if you do not need to do certain things, you want to study them further.

You feel tired at the end of the day, but you feel satisfied.

There is a big difference between feeling tired from doing a lot of work to feel tired because you indeed struggled mightily in doing your work with willingness and enthusiasm high. If you feel fulfilled, satisfied, happy, and to produce something of value when you work and make you tired, then you have to do it right.

Remember always:

Your work will fill a large part of your life, and the only way to truly satisfied is to do what you believe in, which is a big job. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you have not found it, keep looking. Get over it. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you've found it.
- Steve Jobs
12 Benefits of ginger for health have been proven -  Ginger is one of the healthiest spices (and most delicious) on the planet. Benefits of ginger as an herbal or traditional medicine has also been widely recognized. This is because ginger is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits to the body and brain.

12 Benefits of Ginger for Health have been proven

Ginger Benefits For Health

Below we have compiled 12 for the health benefits of ginger that has been supported by scientific research.

Improving blood circulation

The first benefits of ginger is to facilitate the circulation of blood. Gingerol contained in ginger is an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting. By preventing the clogging of blood vessels is a major cause of stroke and heart attack.

Ginger contains Gingerol, Drug Substances With Strong Personality

Ginger is a flowering plant that originated in China. He came from a family Zingiberaceae, and still one family with turmeric, galangal and cardomon.

Rhizomes (stems that exist in the soil) is a part which is used as a spice and is often referred to as ginger.Ginger has a very long history in the use as a form of traditional medicine / alternative. The benefits of ginger include aid digestion, reduce nausea and help fight off colds and flu.

Ginger can be used in various forms: fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice, and sometimes added to processed foods and cosmetics. Ginger is a very common ingredient in recipes. Unique aroma and flavor of ginger is derived from natural oils, called gingerol. Gingerol is the main bioactive compounds in ginger, which is responsible for the various properties of the drug. He has anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant.

Conclusion: Ginger is a spice that is very popular. He high content of gingerol, a substance with anti-inflammatory properties and a powerful antioxidant.

Ginger Can Treat Various Forms of Nausea, especially mornings

Ginger seems to be very effective in dealing with nausea. Benefits of ginger this one has a long history when it was used as seasickness medicine, and there is some evidence that ginger might be as effective as prescription drugs. In addition, other benefits of ginger can relieve nausea and vomiting after you finish the operation, and in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy process. During pregnancy, the ginger is very useful to overcome the nausea, nausea especially in the mornings.

According to an analysis of 12 studies involving a total of 1,278 pregnant women, 1.1-1.5 grams of ginger can significantly reduce symptoms of nausea. However, ginger has no effect on vomiting in this study. Although ginger is considered safe, it is better if you talk to your doctor first before taking it in large amounts if you are pregnant. Some believe that the consumption of ginger in large amounts may increase the risk of miscarriage, but there is no research to support this assumption.

Conclusion: 1-1.5 grams of ginger can help prevent many types of nausea. This applies to seasickness, nausea related to chemotherapy, nausea after surgery and morning sickness.

Ginger can reduce muscle soreness and pain

The following benefits of ginger may have been quite popular among the people. Ginger has been shown to be effective against exercise-induced muscle pain. In one study, consuming 2 grams of ginger per day, for 11 days, significantly reduce muscle soreness in people who exercise the elbow.

Ginger does not have a direct impact, but may be effective in reducing the healing process of muscle pain from day to day. This effect is believed to be done by the anti-inflammatory properties that are owned by the ginger.

Conclusion: Ginger seems to be effective in reducing muscle soreness over time if consumed regularly, and also can reduce exercise-induced muscle pain.

Anti-inflammatory Effects Ginger Can Provide Help In Osteoarthritis

One of the benefits of ginger exceptional is relieve those who suffer from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a common health problem experienced by people, especially those who had been elderly. This involves degeneration of the joints in the body, causing symptoms such as pain and stiffness of arthritis.

In a study conducted in 247 patients with knee osteoarthritis, those who consume ginger extract had less pain and require a bit of pain medication.

Another study found that a combination of ginger, cinnamon, myrrh and sesame oil, can reduce pain and stiffness in osteoarthritis patients when applied topically (applied to areas experiencing pain).

Conclusion: There are several studies showing that ginger effectively reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is a very common health problem.

Ginger Can Lower Blood Sugar In Drastic and reduce the risk of heart disease

Research in this area is relatively new, but it is believed ginger has anti-diabetic properties that are very strong. It became one of the amazing benefits of ginger.

In a recent study in 2015, of the 41 patients with type 2 diabetes, as much as 2 grams of powdered ginger per day can lower fasting blood sugar by 12%. It has also dramatically improved HbA1c (a sign of blood sugar levels in the long term), which leads to a reduction of 10% over a period of 12 weeks.

There is also a 28% reduction in the ratio of apoB / apoA-I, and a reduction of 23% for oxidized lipoproteins, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

However, keep in mind that this is just one small study. The result is very impressive, but they need to be confirmed in larger studies before recommendations can be made.

Conclusion: Ginger has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and lower risk factors for heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Ginger may help overcome the chronic indigestion

Chronic indigestion (dyspepsia) is characterized by recurrent pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen. It is believed that the delayed emptying of the stomach is the main driver of the digestive disorders.

Interestingly, ginger has been shown to accelerate gastric emptying in people with this condition.

In a study of 24 healthy people, 1.2 grams of powdered ginger before meals to make the time required for gastric emptying is reduced by 50%.

After eating the soup, ginger reduces the time required to empty the stomach to be 12-16 minutes.

Conclusion: Ginger present to accelerate gastric emptying, which can be beneficial for people with indigestion and abdominal discomfort in general.

Ginger powder Significantly Reduces Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain refers to pain felt during the menstrual cycle. One of the benefits of ginger in traditional medicine is to relieve pain, including menstrual pain.

In one study, 150 women were asked to consume 1 gram of powdered ginger per day, during the first 3 days of the menstrual period. As a result, succeeded in reducing pain ginger as effective as the drug mefenamic acid and ibuprofen.

Conclusion: Ginger seems very effectively cope with menstrual pain when taken at the beginning of the menstrual period.

Ginger can lower cholesterol levels

High levels of lipoprotein LDL ("bad") associated with an increased risk of heart disease. The food you eat has a strong influence on the level of LDL.

In a study during the 45 days of the 85 individuals with high cholesterol, 3 grams of ginger powder led to a significant reduction in cholesterol levels.

This is supported by a study in rats with hypothyroidism, in which the ginger extract lowers LDL cholesterol to the same extent as atorvastatin (cholesterol lowering drugs).

Both studies also showed reductions in total cholesterol and blood triglycerides.

Conclusion: There is some evidence, both animal and human, in which ginger can cause a significant decrease in levels of LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides.

Ginger contains substances that may help prevent cancer

Cancer is a very serious disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.

Ginger extract has been studied has its benefits as an alternative treatment for some forms of cancer. Anti-cancer properties is associated with a 6-gingerol, a substance found in large quantities in raw ginger.

In one study of 30 people, 2 grams of ginger extract per day significantly reduces the inflammatory signaling molecule in the colon. However, a further study in individuals with a high risk of developing colon cancer, did not confirm these findings.

There is some evidence, albeit limited, that ginger may be effective against pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. However, further research is needed to support the benefits of ginger below.

Conclusion: Ginger contains a substance called 6-gingerol, which may have a protective effect against cancer. However, the benefits of ginger this needs to be studied further.

Ginger Can Improve Brain Function and Protect From Alzheimer's Disease

Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation can accelerate the aging process. They are believed to be one of the main drivers of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline associated with age.

Several animal studies indicates that antioxidants and bioactive compounds ginger can inhibit the inflammatory response that occurs in the brain.

There is also some evidence that ginger can improve brain function directly. In a study of 60 middle-aged women, ginger extract showed increased reaction time and working memory.

Many studies conducted on animals showing that ginger can protect the age-related decline in brain function.

Conclusions: The study shows that ginger may protect the brain against age-related damage. Ginger can also improve brain function in elderly women.

Active Ingredients In Ginger Can Help Fight Infection

Benefits of ginger last but not least is that it helps reduce the risk of infection. It is associated with gingerol, bioactive substances found in fresh ginger. In fact, ginger extract can inhibit the growth of many types of bacteria. He was also very effective against oral bacteria associated with inflammatory disease of the gums, such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Fresh ginger may be effective against respiratory syncytial virus, a common cause of respiratory infections.