
Banana fruit benefits for pregnancy you should know

Banana fruit for pregnancy - Consume fruits very compulsory for pregnant women, this is because it can nourish the mother and baby. Bananas are also good for pregnant women consumed because it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of banana for health and pregnancy
A study showed that dietary fiber contained in bananas may prevent ulcer disease. In addition, the banana also contains vitamins and minerals that can make you feel happy.

If you consume a banana on a regular basis can prevent high blood disease, since bananas contain potassium high (useful for lowering blood pressure).

Acid neutral natural banana fruit useful to overcome my heartburn you. You simply consume a banana then taste your heartburn will be reduced. In addition, the banana also contains iron in the body that are useful to overcome anemia in women.

Bananas contain vitamin B6 which is useful to cope with morning sickness for pregnant women. This vitamin is useful helping balance the substance and creating energy quickly for the body. Vitamin B6 found in bananas are also very useful for fetal brain development.

In addition to vitamin B6, banana fruit also contains vitamin A which is useful for preventing cancer cells, obesity and diabetes in pregnant women.

The studies showed that the symptoms of morning sickness you can reduce by consuming more vitamin B6 found in bananas.

Consuming bananas for women during pregnancy is very important. Because it can improve health for mothers and be helping the development of the fetal nervous system you.

Benefits of banana fruits for pregnant women

Banana fruit benefits for pregnancy you should know

1. Rich in folic acid

Banana is very important for pregnant women because banana is useful to prevent a deficiency of folic acid that can cause a baby born prematurely. In addition, prevents the risk of babies born deformed.

2. Contains vitamin B6

Bananas contain vitamin B6 can help boost the development of the central nervous system cells in the fetus. Vitamin B6 can also reduce morning sickness if consumption in the right amount. The daily amount required for expectant mothers to meet the vitamin B6 is 1.9 milligrams. One medium-size banana can contain 4 milligrams.

3. increase growth of hemoglobin

Other benefits of banana fruits for pregnant women, have a role in the growth of hemoglobin or red blood cells. In addition to iron, the banana also contains vitamin B6 which is useful for neurotransmitters that are able to raise the growth of hemoglobin in the body.

4. Overcoming anaemia

Anemia is a common thing that is often found in pregnant women. Iron deficiency can cause pregnant women experiencing anemia and cause complications during the final stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

5. Beneficial for digestion

Pregnant women often experience a sense of heartburn and indigestion on digestion during pregnancy. This causes pressure on the growth of the fetus. Banana fruit that contains antacid, can help suppress the secretion of acid. Bananas are also rich in pectin so it can facilitate digestion in the intestine.

6. Reduce nausea and vomiting

Usually pregnant when mornings often feel nausea and vomiting. It is seen during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Consuming bananas in early pregnancy could help and alleviate morning sickness.

7. Rich in potassium

During pregnancy is usually pregnant mothers often have to swell caused by a lack of potassium. The American Pregnancy Association found this. Sufficient potassium during pregnancy can help reduce swelling during pregnancy.

8. Rich Protein

Banana fruits for pregnant women is a fruit that is rich in protein. Protein plays an important role as a source of calories and also to the formation of antibodies to the fetus and the mother.

9. Keep your blood sugar and cholesterol

Banana is very important to maintain the level of cholesterol and blood sugar during pregnancy. Especially for mothers who experience diabetes during pregnancy. In addition, fruit banana can also reduce blood shortage during pregnancy.

Banana fruits for pregnant women

Although bananas good for pregnant women, not everyone can consume fruits bananas, because there are some people who are allergic to bananas. Of course, to find out if you are allergic or not, you can consult in advance with the doctor.

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